>Was the first comment under the influence of drugs?
No, it was not. Regarding this whole subthread in which I participated, I did it for some mutual logic-chopping fun.
But if you thought there was a chance it was, you shouldn't have replied to the second comment, because I would have been equally under the influence of the drugs for the second, if I had been so for the first comment. (Don't reply to a druggie.) After all, they were both done in one atomic comment transaction.
Sez who, zigactly? If you are coldtea, I am coldertea. As in, I love my tea colder than you do yours. And starts who? Not me.
Don't kid around, dude. I dik around.
>If you could start from 0 empty sets, you'd have a point.
What if the set of empty sets has no element? :)