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I live and telecommute in Los Angeles and belive it or not live in a walkable neighborhood. It's near the metro station which I use if I need to go somewhere en route, there are fantastic restaurants in walking distance, and the weather is usually perfect. I love this lifestyle, it's so much healthier than the one I remember in the suburbs.

So, it's close to infuriating when I encounter the "soccer" moms in their SUVs who won't walk a single block or the kook at work who would give me a hard time for walking half a mile (.8km) to lunch on a beautiful day. Though, after I pointed out my guns and his gut the smug comments declined.

I had to do a double take after reading the last sentence as "After I pointed my gun at his gut...".

Sounds like you live near the red or gold lines, I used to take those to work every day when I worked in Old Town Pasadena and lived in Hollywood (two very walkable areas also).

You're highlighting something a lot of people don't understand about LA - there are tons of walkable neighborhoods in LA, the problem is traveling from neighborhood to neighborhood takes forever and requires a car.

LA was originally a dozen different cities, all walkable, all connected by good public transport. It's very, very slowly returning to that ideal but light rail and subway are about 25 years behind where it could be.

With the accelerated transit programs/taxes (new light rail, new subways, new bus lines) currently underway, the gaining popularity of biking, and the increasing telecommuting, it'll get better. Eventually. :)

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