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This is part of the reason my wife and I are moving closer to the city. I've been stuck in the suburbs my whole life and you have to drive literally everywhere. The thought of being able to stroll over to the local market is very appealing to me.

Funny. I'm at the point where I'd trade that convenience to have a proper yard. Or to not be startled by giant rats when I walk down an alley. Or not to have to wait for 4 trains to pass you by because they're too full in the winter. Or to not have to park 3 blocks away from my apartment and worry about whether or not it is a street cleaning day or somebody got a permit to block off the area I was parked at because I haven't driven in a day and a sign may have been posted that lets the city tow any car in their path.

The point is, there are advantages to living in an area that may not be as walkable...

But yes, the proximity is nice :)

You're just in the wrong spot:) I'm pimping Denver in this thread, but what the hell, I'm going to do it again!

I live in a house with a proper yard. It's not suburban big (1100 ft^2 house on a 4500 ft^2 lot), but it's really nice. I have a really cool grocery store 5 blocks away. I also have a small lake (that you can boat on) 6 blocks away in the other direction. I have a 40+ bars and restaurants within a mile of our house. Downtown is two miles down the hill, passing through one of the hottest neighborhoods in the city which adds a bunch more bars and restaurants to the mix. I routinely walk or bike to all of these places. My car is parked 90% of the time. We mainly use it for trips to Ikea or to the mountains.

Oh and my house, in an amazing neighborhood, was less than $300K two years ago:)

Sounds a LOT like our new house. Very cool.

I should have been a bit more specific: we're moving to an "inner suburb" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_suburb) which compared to the suburb I live in now is basically "the city" as far as we're concerned.

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