I like web scraping in Go. The support for parsing HTML in x/text/html is pretty good, and libraries like github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery go a long way to matching ergonomics in other tools. This project uses both, but then also goes on to use github.com/dop251/goja, which is a JavaScript VM and it's accompanying nodejs compatability layer and even esbuild, in order to interpret scraping instruction scripts.
I mean, at this point I am not sure Go is the right tool for the job (I am actually pretty confident that it is not).
A pretty neat stack of engineering, sure! This is cool, niely done. But I can't help but feel disturbed.
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I mean, at this point I am not sure Go is the right tool for the job (I am actually pretty confident that it is not).
A pretty neat stack of engineering, sure! This is cool, niely done. But I can't help but feel disturbed.