The browser does not know the path. Also, if the function (or one of its parents) is in a closure, there may not even be a path to the function from window.
If you're sure the function is reachable from window you can search for it recursively:
(function () {
function search(prefix, obj, fn, seen = null) {
if (!seen) seen = new Set();
// Prevent cycles.
if (seen.has(obj)) return false;
console.log('Looking in ' + prefix);
for (let key of Object.keys(obj)) {
let child = obj[key];
if (child === null || child === undefined) {
} else if (child === fn) {
console.log('Found it! ' + prefix + '.' + key);
return prefix + '.' + key;
} else if (typeof child === 'object') {
// Search this child.
let res = search(prefix + '.' + key, child, fn, seen);
if (res) {
return res;
return false;
// For example:
let fn = function() { alert('hi'); }
window.a = {};
window.a.b = {};
window.a.b.c = {};
window.a.b.c.f = fn;
return search('window', window, fn);
The idea is that you use a breakpoint somewhere where you have a reference to the function to see it then paste the search() function in the debugger console and call it to find it in window
If you're sure the function is reachable from window you can search for it recursively: