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I've configured Neovim's syntax highlighting to make comments bold italic, and then I've configured my terminal (Kitty) to display a different font for bold italic text.

Using this approach, you can use up to 4 different fonts: One for normal text, one for italic, one for bold, and one for bold italic. And the font for each group doesn't necessarily need to be that style, e.g. you can use a non-bold version for the `bold` font, etc.

I use kitty and neovim too, would you mind sharing how you got this to work?

In Neovim, make sure your desired highlight groups have `gui=bold,italic`, e.g.

    hi Comment guifg=#7e7490 gui=bold,italic
In Kitty, set the desired fonts:

    font_family      IosevkaTerm Nerd Font Mono
    italic_font      IosevkaTerm Nerd Font Mono
    bold_font        IosevkaTerm Nerd Font Mono
    bold_italic_font Iosevka Term Slab

Feels very hacky.

The terminal is by nature very hacky.

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