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That would be interesting. We tend to think of resistance coming from within with these sorts of things, but it would really be something to see another nation (or private entity) begin a blatant campaign of getting Internet access into Iran in every way possible (super-powered Wi-Fi and 4G blasted all along the borders, free unrestricted satellite Internet to everyone who owns or can ghetto-rig a dish, millions of concealed mesh-networked routers all over the country (with dishes attached), thousands of proxies to the Internet planted within the Irantranet, etc.).

Edit: justincormack brought up an awesome point too: dialup. If we could get a black market for high-compression modems going, and possibly use the modems to fortify the mesh network routers as a secondary Internet source to the satellite dishes, this could end up being fairly robust.

I would love to see the CIA or some other organisation put a few billion into this if Iran really goes through with the plan.

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