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Depends on your shell, if you execute `which -a cd` it will show you /usr/bin/cd in addition to the built-in command.

(zsh has which as a built in command, apparently bash doesn't, which causes the different output). It's unclear to me what /usr/bin/cd actually accomplishes though, even in bash.

(final edit I hope, I found an explanation of sorts for /usr/bin/cd: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/50060)

> It's unclear to me what /usr/bin/cd actually accomplishes though, even in bash.

Seems to be something they adopted from FreeBSD if the comment in the script is anything to go by ? (`/usr/bin/cd` is a shell script, you can cat it).

It seems something to do with it being a POSIX system if this SO answer[1] is anything to go by.

Beyond my paygrade though, and given Apple's shell appears to default to the built-in it seems I don't need to care either. :-)

[1] https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/50022/why-cant-i-re...

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