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This is the classic HAL vs the Star Trek "computer" question.

I think initially things like Alexa, Siri and Google Home were so much verbose and personality based and now just barely speak and don't do any fun personality stuff, outside of kid-centric features like "guess the animal game", bedtime stories, etc. I think people are just too busy or in a hurry to deal with personality from technology. In fact, Cortana has entirely been cancelled and replaced with a faceless and nameless Bing Enterprise Chat.

Another case is how stoic and boring and lifeless ChatGPT is compared to some of these more personality based AIs out there. People just want the facts and not to be bothered. They actually don't want a virtual friend. Things like MS Bob, Cortana, and various avatars and personality-based agents keep failing compared to simple and fast interfaces. I think that'll probably stick with robotics too. I think the Star Trek "computer" will win out every time. People just want to feel empowered and have a minimal of their time and effort spent.

Siri, Alexa and Cortana all sucked. They simply weren't smart or robust enough for the whole personality thing to work. This has clearly changed. LLMs will literally perform better with emotionally fused text. https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.11760

Bing may be faceless and nameless but i assure you, it's definitely not personality-less.

Character ai is very popular and is based on personality infused LLM instances. There is clearly a big market here. That Open ai try their best to train the personality out of their LLMs by default is not indication there isn't.

https://beta.character.ai/ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.character.a...

Then you have Disney working on things like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cfIm06tcfA

If you don't think this is potentially a billion dollar market then i don't know what to say. It absolutely is.

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