I can't speak for OP, but I did comment how it also made my feel a bit weird, I get suspicious given the amount of shills/plants large companies will create as 'spontaneous' social media success people. Its used to create a more authentic connection to a person who then shills the brand they've been planted by.
Prevalent or not, the ide gives off creepy vibes to me personally .
> Sounds like you people just lack a solid attention span
Sorry but that's really not it, I just don't watch a video on a topic I'm interested in for 30 seconds of city skyline views with some light music..
My attention span has nothing to do with it, my patience for wasting my time does however.
Edit : Just to reiterate, I liked the video, cool idea.. Just the balance seemed off to me. It's not worth an argument to be honest. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.
No that's fair. I didn't mean to shit on your opinion. I just really enjoyed the slower pace and tbh I'm a little frustrated by how quickly internet people talk these days.
Sure, but it's a 20 minute video, ˜40-50% of which is arguably unnecessary: it could have been a kick-ass 10 minute tightly-edited informative video. It's not about a short attention span - it's about the value of the time spent.
That’s your perspective- I hate tictok videos because they are just so ungodly short and compressed to the point of being in enjoyable - I don’t care how much information they convey. I enjoy longer form videos that indulge, it’s a better production and more enjoyable
Like your argument boils down to why watch planet earth when you could look at a few photos and read the wiki
Prevalent or not, the ide gives off creepy vibes to me personally .