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Isn't Rust's result type basically the same as Abseil's Status, or am I missing something ? https://abseil.io/docs/cpp/guides/status

Generally the same idea, yes. Your parent mentioned a key difference though: "and pattern matching." enums in Rust have much stronger language support.

But there are also differences, for example, errors must be absl::StatusCode, whereas enums in Rust allow for arbitrary error payloads.

Also don't discount ecosystem usage: everyone uses Result in Rust, abeseil isn't used by most things, and std::expected has its own issues (though I can appreciate how tough making those calls is) and only landed in C++23, so it's not as widely used as Result either.

Sibling comment mentioned pattern matching, but didn’t point out the important point that the rustc compiler makes sure all patterns matches are exhaustive.

To use a C example, if you add a new definition/variant to an enum, suddenly all switch statements over that enum will fail to compile (unless there is a default: branch).

This does eliminate a large swatch of logic errors, though by no means all.

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