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NoRAM DB = “If It Does Not Fit in RAM, I Will Quietly Die For You” (dotkam.com)
10 points by saurabh on April 9, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Did anyone else read that at go huh?

I'm not quite sure what made it so difficult to follow - perhaps the run on sentences and unconventional punctuation? eg: The point of no schema is NOT that it changes ALL the time => then you have just a BLOB, content of which you cannot predict, hence index. The point is, the schema ( and rather some part of it ) may/will change, so WHY the heck do I have to carry those key names (that are VARCHARs and take space) around?

To address his point, though: NoSQL is important because it breaks down the self-imposed limits that SQL databases have. Yes, this means they have difference performance characteristics, and yes it is important to understand them.

Does that really mean there are only 4 worthwhile NoSQL databases? I don't think it does, but perhaps for his use-case...

the point is there are only several. and there is a huge difference between a "loud mouth marketing engines" and "true tech".

471? Where can we see the full list? :)

I wish Riak was more widely adopted. I started implementing geohashing in it but went to MongoDB for the native geospatial indexing, since time was short. Haven't heard of anyone doing it. The nodejs interface is so sexy (http://riakjs.org/).

Also, Redis. Is anyone using it as a persistent store? How's it going?

> 471? Where can we see the full list? :)

http://nosql-database.org lists 122.

There was a story here a couple of weeks ago about how PornHub has switched completely to Redis. So there you go :)

I think it was YouPorn, but yea, same idea :)

Really liked the CRACS theorem, and agree on Redis and Riak.

One thing I found lacking is the explanation on why Redis, and Hazelcast are in the list. I don't disagree they should be, but, at least Redis deserves a better explanation.

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