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This pairs well a paper comes from the Dunedin longitudinal study, which has been following ~1000 people who were born in 1972/1972 in one area of New Zealand: "Deep-seated psychological histories of COVID-19 vaccine hesitance and resistance" [0]

The paper includes the interesting finding that vaccine resistant/hesitant and vaccine acceptant individuals had very different (not to mention statistically significant) personality profiles at 18 years of age.

From the abstract:

"Vaccine-resistant and vaccine-hesitant participants had histories of adverse childhood experiences that foster mistrust, longstanding mental-health problems that foster misinterpretation of messaging, and early-emerging personality traits including tendencies toward extreme negative emotions, shutting down mentally under stress, nonconformism, and fatalism about health. Many vaccine-resistant and -hesitant participants had cognitive difficulties in comprehending health information. Findings held after control for socioeconomic origins. Vaccine intentions are not short-term isolated misunderstandings. They are part of a person's style of interpreting information and making decisions that is laid down before secondary school age. Findings suggest ways to tailor vaccine messaging for hesitant and resistant groups."

[0] https://academic.oup.com/pnasnexus/article/1/2/pgac034/65534...

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