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A lot of people fall for fake news, as long as the source seems authorative, at least that is what recent history teached me.

Do we still remember the weapons of mass destruction from Iraq [0]? Assad being accused of the Douma gas attack [1]. Stating vaccines are safe & effective while the contracts received by governments stated that both effectiveness and long-term safety of vaccines was not known [2]? Or the claim that the Hunter Biden laptop leak was Russian disinformation [3]?

In this day and age, we really have to question everything - sadly. Seems all major news sources are compromised by governments or intelligence agencies in order to push their agendas.


[0]: https://www.npr.org/2023/02/03/1151160567/colin-powell-iraq-...

[1]: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2019/12/16/chem-d16.html

[2]: https://archive.org/details/contract_03/page/48/mode/2up (page 49)

[3]: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/16/us/politics/republicans-h...

>Seems all major news sources are compromised by governments or intelligence agencies in order to push their agendas.

The China in the western news and the China I know in real life are completely different. In the news, China is always framed as evil - always up to no good. In real life, it's just a freaking country where life is peaceful, stable, things are improving, people are getting wealthier, society is improving.

Also, most Americans believe that China has the same anti-American propaganda in Chinese society. This is wrong. Most normal Chinese people I've met over the last 2-3 years don't have the same "hate" for Americans as Americans have for the Chinese. Chinese people understand that it's just political, two countries fighting for resources. It's not very personal to them. However, Americans have a real "hate" for the Chinese through relentless anti-China propaganda in the news and Americans see it as much more personal based on my experience.

Americans just assume that the Chinese hate them as much as they hate the Chinese because of how much anti-China is in the media. Therefore, they believe that the Chinese must have the same or higher levels of anti-American in their media.

Propaganda is powerful. Don't ever tell me America has free press. It doesn't. Not on the national scale.

In another timeline, we would have already settled this issue. US Foreign Policy was pivoting to Asia in the late 90’s and W’s neocons were all-in on the China “problem”.

Then 9/11 happened and they chose instead for wars in Central Asia. But at least we got the iPhone. We’d probably all still be using flip phones with Plan A.

Poor neocons, it must bug them their ideas became so progressive.


How much yuan do you get for posting this?

The fact that you think any post that isn't straight up anti-China proves my point.

To answer your question: Zero. I'm an American who works in big-tech as my main source of income.

If you're going to comment on HN at least try and do better.


(FWiW I'm a non asian descent Australian)

No way you throw

> Assad being accused of the Douma gas attack

into talking about other people falling for "fake news."

Of course, it turns out you're the one falling for laughable "fake news": https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29303775


You're much better off listening to and retweeting, checks notes, Zaid Hamid, supporter of Jihad, 9/11 was false flag, and "Bill Gates wants to kill the people of this region."

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