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I've gone through this multiple times. The harder you try to ignore it and push past it, the worse it gets. Keep pushing anyway? You reach a point where you won't even be able to follow the plot of Toy Story 3, much less be productive. You concede to take a break eventually. You get better. You try to make up the lost time by doing twice as much now that you're invincible again? Back to analyzing Toy Story 3 for you!

It bothers me that it can all be explained by a deficiency of some nutrient, say X:

- burnout starts when you're overworking (X gets depleted faster than it gets replenished)

- pushing harder makes it worse (X is getting exhausted)

- taking a break makes it better (X gets replenished to normal levels during this time)

- pacing yourself from then on ensures it doesn't happen again (X isn't depleted fast enough to be exhausted)

X might be vitamin D, or (-1)stress, or (-1)dopamine/serotonin, or any other quantity that plays a role in your fragile body, meatbag.

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