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I think it's more than the lack of a summary. The whole essay could really benefit from a lot more editing and tightening up.

I agree. I'm outraged and disgusted by things I've seen over the past 12 months-- some have happened to me, most to other people-- and it's really affecting the quality of my writing.

A classic technique is to allow someone else to read the essay before publishing it.

I agree with you. Usually I put 1-2 months before writing a blog post/essay and posting it. I just see this matter as a bit more urgent, as I really want to see the American Spring (the 2012 campaign of people calling out unethical behaviors at companies, rather than protecting scummy ex-employers) happen.

Words-of-prose can be like lines-of-code: beyond about 500, it takes a long process of review not to have some degree of mess.

I wouldn't be so hard on this essay. It's a little scattered, but there's some gold in there. Writing a concise, powerful essay is really, really hard, which is one of the reasons that people who are really good at it become famous (Jonathan Swift, Christopher Hitchens, etc).

Thanks. Usually I have a 1-day/500-word minimum between initial writing of anything like this and posting it, because I don't want to embarrass myself with mediocre writing. I like to have days between drafts.

This time, I want a message to get out, and fast.

I might rewrite it in a week or so. Pretty much all of my 2000+ word blog posts deserve to be more than one post.

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