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And fraud is nonviolent! Plus no repeat offender, and soft slush money and influence that the judicial system is awash in.

SBF even if he gets a huge sentence will just get eventually pardoned after 6-10 years. Again, soft slush money.

> even if he gets a huge sentence will just get eventually pardoned after 6-10 years

According to you? Because “trust me bro”? What are basing this on?

Well, you see, when presidents come out of office, a bunch of things start happening which the general public is pretty ignorant of:

- they go visit the Saudi rulers. Yes, the most powerful political leader goes TO SAUDI ARABIA to kiss ass. Why?

- they begin planning/fundraising for a "presidential library"

- they plan their "offices", often with donations

- they have the power to pardon people with no restriction

- ye old speech circuit

- in a similar vein, the Trump inauguration exposed the various inauguration slush funds used by presidents over the years when they get elected.

In case you don't get it, all of this involves slush money and backchannels and the like. Granted the pardon power is more visible than most since Clinton pardoned a lot of white collar stuff: https://www.justice.gov/pardon/pardons-granted-president-wil... particularly Marc Rich.

And the old game of announced sentences vs the actual amounts served is often hilarious.

Between "good behavior", connections to get in lower security facilities, reduction on appeal, and of course there are tricks like only having to show up to actual prison months after sentencing (Elizabeth Holmes took 5 months before actually having to report to prison).

Yeah the feds don't do as lenient good behavior, but you can still get 54 days credit per year served.

There's other tricks. SBF might be able to help recover funds if he cooperates after conviction, and that can lead to prison being delayed further.

So sure it seems like SBF is getting his comeuppance, and he's way too famous for reductions, but the news cycle is remarkably fast, and the public will forget about him in a year or two.

Kenneth Lay allegedly died of a heart attack before going to prison. Now, I would like to assume that was above board, but based on a couple of my relatives dying, death is a bunch of forms and a cremation of ... some body.

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