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Take two or three steps back, and reason like this (if you’re SBF’s defenders, that is): the evil Democrats have made SBF do their dirty political doings for them because, well, they’re evil -> try and turn this whole case into a political thing (see the evil Democrats from before, also see Dreyfus from 100 years ago) -> try to turn SBF into a political cause celebre, again, like Dreyfus 100 years back -> 2024 comes and there are chances that those hating the evil Democrats I had mentioned are in the White House -> with SBF a political cause celebre put in prison by those Democrats there would be by then very big chances for a presidential pardon, because by then this would have transformed into a political issue, not a simple “some guy stole a lot of money”.

For added chances of success also try to find some pro-Palestine social media statuses or anything similar just hinting to that in the past of the district attorneys and federal agency people who had anything to do with this whole trial, and this being the very liberal Southern District of NY of course that there are big chances for that type of content to be found, and in so doing further turning SBF into a political prisoner instead of just a money swindler.

That’s as good a strategy that he could have had given the circumstances, i.e. going for a future presidential pardon and turning his trial into a political case, because, technically, of course that he did all of those things and that by the rules that apply to big money swindlers he should spend the rest of his days mostly in prison, but that’s the whole thing, if he still wants to be free anytime soon his defenders should have turned this trial into something totally different than a big money swindler case.

Of course, that’s also how OJ got out of all the mess he had put himself into the first time around, i.e. because his trial had very rapidly turned into a political case, it was not about a murder case anymore.

How does he bootstrap the partisan support? And what if he pulled a trump appointed judge who isn’t invested in this partisan hack plan?

Again, just look at Dreyfus 100 years ago, just pour lots and lots of money and make do of the connections in the media and thereabouts to make this into a political case. Not let him turn into a Madoff, because if that happens he'll end up like Madoff. And it doesn't need to be full bipartisan support, Dreyfus wasn't a bipartisan support (to the contrary, it politically split France in two).

> And what if he pulled a trump appointed judge who

Then go for the DAs and the federal agents.

Not saying that this would have worked (almost no-one was on Dreyfus's side at the beginning, apart from close family and friends), but it was one the best chances he could have had (on account of him being guilty).

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