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Scammers vs Impossible Password Game [1] is also great to watch.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knhQ2f8anT8

Put the fire out! You murdered the chicken!! Unbelievable. I almost laughed up a lung.

This is staged right? Right??

I've seen over 100 of Kit's videos and they are definitely not staged and it's all improv'd from Kit's side.

I was thinking about the scammer’s side. If a password creation dialog asks for the daily Wordle answer and it doesn’t trigger a red flag, the predator isn’t smarter than the prey at all apparently.

By watching a lot of the videos, you'll learn that a lot of these scammers don't seem to have any actual technical knowledge at all. For example, a really old series of videos have Kit use a joke Windows app called Windows RG and scammers still go along with it.


They were most likely trained to work with the script they have and their technical knowledge is based on that.

They don't even realize Windows 95 is a thing [1] and why the script they follow isn't working.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHQUS-JSSKs

While intelligence plays a part, even smart people will ignore obvious red flags if they think they are winning.

Probably just selected for the ones that played along


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