I guess my point is does it matter if 90%-%100 of people become unemployable, society is still pretty much ruined. also that doesn't even take into account the market inefficiencies(biases, geography etc).
Society is already ruined, just not as dramatically or widespread. Having grown up on the outskirts of Detroit, I can personally attest to the fact that there are already places where 10% are the "haves" and 90% are the "have nots". We ignored that though... keeping our precious economy running requires us to turn a blind eye, sometimes. Right?
This was the path society was on long before AI hit the scene. At this point, I'm kinda glad that a text generator is enough of a boogeyman to make tech workers into Luddites. If your existence feels threatened by a machine that can make money writing text, I suggest you reexamine your priorities to focus on broader impact or at least more meaningful personal fulfillment.
I'm not saying this post-capitalist hellscape is a good thing. I'm saying that this failure was preordained since the middle class was sustained entirely on the goodwill of the upper class. Of course it will shrink when profitability falls.
As you said, demand will eventually evaporate in a system without class competition. This is a good thing; basic life-sustaining commodities like food and shelter should not be sold at a markup or separated by class. These markets would "collapse" back into sustainability. A holocaust for the housing market, but a lifeline to the unhoused or those who otherwise couldn't afford housing.
It didn't take AI to set any of those wheels in motion. I didn't skip dinners before payday because my dad got priced out of overtime by a robot. The fact that we play this silly game of trade and barter is what put us here, and AI just lowers those ever-shrinking margins to nothingness. Now we're here, the capitalist apocalypse.
> when farmland gets used up for solar to power AI.
There is not enough demand, technicians, manufacturers or materials to make that a reality.
The Tragedy of the Commons is a tragedy because it is unavoidable. Polluting our planet has already happened, except not with solar panels but oil byproduct and greenhouse gases. Some lot of good all that "demand" did Mother Earth.