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I think what he probably means is that, despite a draconian review policy, 98% of the app store is junk. Like seriously junk. Like fart apps junk.

So this means that they aren't reviewing for app quality.

How about bugs?

"Updates: Updates take ages to get approved. They sometimes get rejected while being only a bug-fix update to an app that got approved. (This has happened to me.) And even when they get approved, it takes forever, possibly leaving some critical bug or crash in your application and costing you tons of negative reviews and ratings."

So not really for bugs.

And on down the list till it appears the only things they are looking for are scams, undocumented API usage and similar other junk.

It's not that these things aren't worth reviewing for, but it'd probably be better for everyone (Apple included) if Apple was simply overt about this and didn't mess around with the rest of the stuff.

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