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Some time ago, I thought XSLT was quite interesting and potentially powerful with regards to its browser integration. XSLT, to me, represented the first attempt at truly separating data from layout. Even to this day, with all the 'div' based layouts and such, nothing completely and totally separates the data and view tiers in a web layout quite the way that XML with an XSLT stylesheet did.

Early browser bugs probably caused more harm than good for XSLT adoption. XSLT was available in browsers almost from the beginning, more powerful (at the time) than any other client side (javascript) solution. Too bad it didn't get off the ground some more, it might have actually changed the way we work today.

Yes, it's too verbose, and probably doesn't deserve the title of "programming language." But, it's a pretty powerful idea if kept in the scope for what it was invented; transforming one schema to another, with options for transformations occurring on the client or server side.

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