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> Reminds me of working for MCI-Worldcom. When you think you’re working for crooks, you probably are. Run away.

>> Worked in crypto and I got that vibe so left. Regret it. For every SBF there are hundreds who get away with it. Tons of talentless crypto millionaires still roaming free. Look at the Axie Infinite guys plundering a whole country. Token could collapse, but there’ll be no justice and they’re sitting on at least 8 figures individually

my understanding of this comment:

They worked in crypto, got the feeling they may have been working for crooks, so left and regret being part of it at all. They are upset that many scammers who made millions are still walking around and will face no justice.

vs what I think is a total misreading:

> Wait. Do you regret leaving? Because the fraud works out for some?

There are loads of people who successfully made millions and won't face justice, and they regret leaving before making similar money.

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