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...and Ask MetaFilter quietly carries on being fantastic.

I think Matt has the right attitude.

"Yeah, I think once we get to 100,000 it could start to get too big. I’m OK with how big it is today. It is a lifestyle business for me—I’m just running this thing and I have a few employees and we’re all happy. What’s better than that?"

He has money. The employes are paid. No need to sell to google.

$5 + one-week filter weeds out people without sufficient prefrontal cortex size (i.e., they don't have patience and can't understand the value of a future payout).

Oh, there're plenty of idiots on MetaFilter. $5 curbs growth but is no indicator of intelligence. Trust me.

Give credit where credit is due: MeFi's moderation team is hands-down the best on the Internet. It's astonishing how much shit they have to deal with and how good they are at keeping the site civil and high-quality without pushing too many buttons.

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