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> expanding terrestrial wireless coverage is going to be cheaper for a very large percentage of potential customers.

If that's the case, why has it taken until SpaceX for there to be viable Internet service to many of the rural areas they service? People are replacing 3Mbit DSL links, or even dial up (yes, in 2023, dial-up) service with starlink. terrestrial fiber beats Starlink handily, except where it hasn't been run. Which, even many urban areas still don't have gigabit fiber Internet service available, never mind when suburban or rural areas will get it (if ever). The other part of the addressable market is airplanes and boats/ships, and remote bases like McMurdo in Antarctica. Not sure how you're proposing we run fiber Internet to them.

Because ISPs suck and they defrauded the government of the money that was supposed to pay for expanded broadband coverage.

Elon has a nose for picking feckless, evil, competitors: People hate car dealers. People hate their ISP. Elon absolutely saw these opportunities.

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