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How'd you get in on that? Sounds like it could be an interesting story.

Private equity marketplace as an accredited investor. I am a degenerate gambler at heart.

Cool. If I die childless I'm considering willing my assets to a company like SpaceX or Blue Origin - any suggestions on which or should I just split it among the leaders at the time?

No suggestions on who unfortunately. A potential methodology is establishing a living trust, funding it with all of your wealth, a pour-over will to clean up anything you missed, and assign the beneficiaries accordingly based on your post life wishes (you should be able to trivially get SpaceX, Blue Origin, etcs EIN/taxpayer ID, although you would want to speak with someone at those orgs so they know your plan and someone can admin whatever is sent their way). Same as you would with charitable bequests as part of your estate, directed towards charities and non profits.

Not an attorney, not your attorney, speak with one for estate planning purposes. Hope this helps!

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