Same harm as any other spewing of unlikely but plausible stories.
Same harm as repeating the story about not flashing your brights at another car lest they come kill you. Just wasted time and overly dramatic.
Same harm in telling about how Rod Stewart had to have his stomach pumped because there was a gallon of semen in it. Just wasted time and overly dramatic.
Same harm in parroting a story you heard about some virus that will make your computer blow up. Just wasted time and overly dramatic.
There's no direct harm, but we're gullible enough as a society already. Living in a Headline Nation is teaching us that we don't need to think for ourselves. When the only facts we have about a story is that "they" are doing something bad, then we'll believe most anything.
Same harm as repeating the story about not flashing your brights at another car lest they come kill you. Just wasted time and overly dramatic.
Same harm in telling about how Rod Stewart had to have his stomach pumped because there was a gallon of semen in it. Just wasted time and overly dramatic.
Same harm in parroting a story you heard about some virus that will make your computer blow up. Just wasted time and overly dramatic.
There's no direct harm, but we're gullible enough as a society already. Living in a Headline Nation is teaching us that we don't need to think for ourselves. When the only facts we have about a story is that "they" are doing something bad, then we'll believe most anything.