I listen to a few podcasts focused on US politics:
David Pakman (has a finance background, very level-headed in his viewpoints): https://davidpakman.com/
I like David Pakman but feel like this type of political content needs to be consumed in far greater moderation and not on a daily basis. People that cover politics tend to hijack your brain with a lot of inconsequential events and information.
A good metric for me is probably something like: is this going to be important or relevant in a few weeks?
David Pakman had a podcast episode with Lex Fridman and even he recommends that you treat him as a small part of your media diet.
I Doubt It: https://dollemore.com/
I also listen to non-politics stuff: Factually: https://www.adamconover.net/
Dumb Dad Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dumb-dad-podcast/id146...