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I don't disagree but I think there's one big problem here:

Kickstarter has no guarantees. As soon as one of these projects falls through / doesn't meet expectations the idea is going to start having problems. All it takes is one company to take $250,000 then not deliver and they undermine the entire idea.

Publishers take risks and publish games that might not be successful and if they're not successful the publisher takes the hit, not the consumer, the consumer is never made to care about failures but if consumers are the ones funding these games failures will start to matter.

Your're right; Though that's why most of the record-breaking Kickstarter projects come from companies that are inherently trustworthy based on some previous track record: Leisure Suit Larry, Shadowrun, that previous Lucas Arts guy. They all proved time and time again that they are capable of creating fantastic games. Even more, the gamers know what to expect. I reckon it's much much harder to gain Kickstarter records like this when you're virtually unknown and your idea isn't a mere extension / sequel of something well known.

That doesn't mean it's bad, though. It's like a protection shield against the scenario that you outlined.

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