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Any complex equipment could have stuff hidden inside it, e.g replace the battery with a brick of explosive. That's why the Israelis commonly ask you to switch computers on in front of them. Putting them in a separate box makes sure there aren't two items superimposed on top of each other in the scanner image, so it's easier to inspect.

If you've never been through Ben Gurion or any Israeli checkpoints, it's a real experience. They are very thorough, sometimes requiring items be disassembled as far as is possible without tools. I don't find it annoying though, it's for everyone's safety and they are very professional. I understand that the main purpose of the checks is to allow them to observe your behaviour and reactions. They know that even with all their check stuff can get through, so they put a strong emphasis on psychological profiling. Honestly, that makes me less upset about the checks themselves. If I have confidence these people really do know what they are doing, and it is effective, then I will put up with the procedure even if it's mainly a ruse. The problem with the TSA is the public isn't confident that the procedures are effective, so if thats the case who wants to put up with the process?

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