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You're kidding right? Apple under Jony Ive without Steve gave us the worst generation of Macbook Pros: butterfly keyboard, limited ports, and the touchbar.

Recently upgraded my work laptop to an M1 and I gotta say I miss the touchbar. Very sad that they got rid of it seemingly forever. Concretely it was great for managing screen recording. But in general I don’t understand the backlash, especially once they added a physical escape key for my fellow vim heads.

The haters won but I wonder what their victory cost us. Am I supposed to be happy I got my F11 key back??

The touchpads are absolutely absurdly large, Apple could have easily made it a little bit smaller and fit both a row of function keys and the touch bar.

yeah, I don't understand why they felt they had to make it that big. Now it is just in the way.

I agree, I'm on the 2019 16" MBP, the one with physical ESC and touchbar. I honestly love the touchbar once you spice it up with BetterTouchTool you can make it extremely useful.

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9-B8VFZgc8

"Siri is not available.. blah blah voicover blah blah siri"

We get to see a renaissance today at least, after years of waiting

What about his positive contributions to the rest of the Apple product family?

Non-replaceable batteries and weird screens?

To be fair it’s not like you can easily remove batteries from an EV car anyway ;)

You mean the frankly ugly UI redesign?

Non-removeable batteries and weird screens?

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