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What a wonderful write-up on this subject.

And "I'm sure 90% of all 2023 cars run on the CAN bus equivalent of a 10.000 line, 100 cell Jupyter Notebook that was last restarted in the fall of 2018." is spot on.

Every day I have to fight against my Tesla trying to kill me, with the "emergency" steering assist believing it's about to be attacked by some static object sitting to the right of the road, and coming up to the conclusion that before that tree might start running towards me to try steer me into the opposing traffic. And doing emergency braking because I have "left the road" due to having the guts to drive out of my garage. Or to believe the plants in front of my house are a traffic light. Or to believe that the "end of kid play road" inside the city means "all speed limits are ending" (I live in Germany, where, as you surely know, a "drive as fast as you want" road sign indeed exists. But no, not inside cities. No, it's not reasonable to accelerate to 200km/h / 125mph inside a city, dear "adaptive" cruise control). Or giving me phantom braking because the car 50 meters/yards in front of me is coming to a slow stop at an intersection, and I did not yet see the urge to hit the brakes for that.)

And because the "10.000 line, 100 cell Jupyter Notebook" "programmers" have a very high self-esteem and believe they actually are good at their job of course they reject the idea of giving the customer the option to TURN OFF their broken shit permanently.

All I want is an electric car that charges fast, has a reasonable range and build quality, and a good audio. I'd be so happy with my Tesla if they would just allow me to disable all of their features that are simply broken and unwanted. And the author is also spot on when it comes to doors: To open a Tesla model 3 door is a complex matter that takes most people to use two hands, which for the previous 120 years was done by everyone with a single hand in half the time.

[Side note in case I get replies from any "but in my Tesla everything works fine, Autopilot really works, and vision only, too": fan boys: How comes that everybody is able to upload videos to YouTube of Tesla cars doing insanely stupid things all the time, but none of the fan boys that claim Teslas software actually works is able to upload a video of stuff working? Is it really that hard to catch "the moment everything works fine" on video if you claim that this moment is "always"? I would love to see some videos of Tesla Model 3 automatic wipers actually doing something logical like "wipe if it's raining, but don't if it's not raining ) ]

) Videos of your Tesla correctly identifying and showing each and every garbage bin in your city at the exact correct position does not count. Everybody knows that Tesla has the best detection of sidewalk garbage bins on this planet. I understand that there is a programmer at Tesla who really is in deep love with garbage bins, but (rightfully) hates kids, which therefore are only detected in 30% of the cases of them appearing on the road.

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