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Nit, but it only has as much internal space as a compact SUV, because that's essentially what it is, just without the "S".

Oh it's a compact. That xB is like the length of a Mini, but you got this cave inside because each wheel is perched at each corner, maximizing usable space. It's insane. It's like someone took an Econoline van and hit it with a shrink ray.

It's definitely bigger inside than the wife's 4Runner, but yknow . . I guess a 4runner is a "small" SUV these days, huh?

Honda Element is probably the closest thing to it I can think of, but it's a much bigger/beefier car, not the subcompact the xB is. I would love to get a Kei van if they could pull highway speeds.

Damn shame they ruined the xB post-2006, but ah well the writing would soon be on the wall for all of Scion in general. Poor Scion.

I was going to say a Mini is far smaller, but apparently the current generation ones are almost 4m long. I was still assuming the 3.65m original BMW Mini.

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