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> Corporate filings. Business intelligence. There is value in those areas

also, lots of competition already

Competition is good, it means there is a market. There's plenty of empty niches with no competition exactly because there's no money there.

As for corporate fillings, there are lots of strong products already, also data in those fillings is rather limited.

"Business intelligence" is very broad term, maybe it is possible to find market fit there, since area is moving very fast, but hard to judge without seeing specifics.

I happen to run a corporate filings product[1] so I'm curious to know in what way you find the data in filings limited. There are financial statements (ex. balance sheet) & disclosures (ex. litigation) in 100+ page annual reports so our tool makes it easier to find them. We also do AI (ex. sentiment analysis) and diffs (ex. redline / blackline) which yield their own insights.

[1] https://last10k.com

> so I'm curious to know in what way you find the data in filings limited.

to me every filling has maybe 20 essential numbers which are interesting: balance sheet, income statement and major sectors, everything else is some generic boilerplate, and there are dozens of services which will already sell it for cheap.

Not sure what else you can sell to your clients..

I worked at a place where we developed information extraction systems that could be customized to the needs of particular customers. This was before transformers so the technology wasn't 100% ready.

Think of a global aircraft manufacturer turning maintenance documentation into a knowledge graph, a global clothing and shoes retailer building a model of what social media thinks about them, etc. I told other employees that our product could generate enough value for one customer that it would be worth it for one to buy us and... that's what happened.

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