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> This is the one that sounds truly wrong - if your car alerts you of adjacent vehicles when it shouldn't, (a) you can probably turn off that assist and (b) you should tell the company because it literally sounds like a bug.

This is the one which I empathized with, because it happens to me all the time (2022 Mazda CX-30). The "car next to you" warning doesn't come on randomly or anything, it's that the software can't distinguish between the scenario when I'm driving straight and about to make a lane change, or when I'm turning at an intersection and there's a car in the turn lane next to me. It is admittedly annoying that the car beeps at me in the latter scenario, but I have to imagine that it's hard to distinguish between the two.

I am trying to figure out why this doesn't happen in my car or happens naturally enough that it doesn't bother me. I have to keep an eye out for it.

Might just be that you are the rare one actually using the turn signals silencing the warning:)

You've misunderstood what we're talking about. Using the turn signal is what triggers the warning in this case. The car is correctly detecting that there's a car in your blind spot, but it incorrectly interprets the turn signal as "I'm going to change lanes" rather than "I'm making a turn".

I see, sorry

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