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If you happen to "really" need a Facebook account, let's say to be in contact with your classmates, then you should consider adding only your Name and email address to your account info. I've added not religion or political info there, no one should care what my religion or political views are.

On the other hand, listing those is the bombproof defence against nosy HR departments.

Another option is to load your profile data with tongue-in-cheek humor that your true friends will understand as such and which can never be properly parsed by data miners. Course I say this now but haven't actually done this myself.

I have also never felt the urge to post my status, comment on another persons status on or was compelled to "like" something.

You can use facebook as a mostly passive medium.

That is the way I use it, I share nothing, but use it to keep in touch with some friends who almost never read their emails :). Usually to organize old friends parties. It is kind of good for that. With a private group. I would have preferred a Posterous group or a mailing list, but my '91 school class is not made by geeks. They use Facebook.

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