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I recently drove around the UK for a couple of weeks in late model VW Golf. It was by far the most infuriating car I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with. The highlights: adaptive cruise control that sometimes follows not only the car in front of you but the car(s) to either side (preventing you from passing); cruise control automatically changing when you enter a reduced speed area (really fun when you're doing 70 on the motorway and the car decides it's now a 30); crash detection that freaks out whenever you get too close to the guy in front of you who's turning; lane assist that turns itself back on every time you start the car; parking assist that loudly complains whenever it's not working (every other time or so); auto-speed windshield wipers that attempt to enter warp when the weather starts lightly misting.

If this is what all modern cars are like I absolutely refuse to buy one ever.

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