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It's actually really interesting he feels the need to point that out. Possibly because the /g/ and /prog/ boards have such a fascination with him (perhaps deservedly). Stallman has famously called /g/ full of "inane comments" [1] - and I remember someone venturing far enough outside of /prog/ to mail another idol, Gerald Sussman, who said that such fandoms were "unscientific and ultimately destructive", which was very funny at the time.

4chan is a simple enough website that (a) it would perform well on his Leemote, and (b) he probably wouldn't be threatened by e.g. non-free javascript, since there basically isn't any. I think it highlights the way 4chan is "heard and not seen" that RMS refers to "accounts", of which of course there are none, and curious again he uses the gender-inspecific "it" as if the account itself has an identity as a person, let alone any identity at all.

Of course, things like this [2] (possibly NSFW) probably have a very strong influence on his opinion of 4chan.


1. http://i.imgur.com/fhEQX.png

2. http://i.imgur.com/WXvva.png

Thanks for those wonderful screenies. I just intended to request further infos on the Stallman/4chan "relationship" but your posting cleared some things up. 4chan is still after all these years one of the most fascinating places around.

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