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> infotainment unit

oh. mine has exactly 5,000 slots for mp3 filenames. Not seeing more. A 2022 top-model car. And that "supercomputer" boots in freaking 35+seconds.. Well, i have 35000 songs to listen to. so.. Bundle them together.. LP-sides-like.

Zuruck in zukunft?

I bet it's shit on purpose. Now, if you pay 5000 euros more for the premium model, you'll get 10 times more songs and boot in 10 seconds (I.e., they'll flip the premium model flag bit in the car software)!

it was a top-ever model. No further premiums. comeon, who can fit more than 5000 pieces on a 256Gb USB stick?

but, i forgot these ones..

> goddamn tires

ah yes. ding.. it complains about tire pressure being different. Nah, it won't tell which tire. Or how much (1% or 10% or 70%).

So if you see me suddenly stopping in empty mid highway, and walking 3 times around the car kicking each tire 2 times exactly, that's a good omen.. when the sun heats on the left..

> wiggling the wheel

ah and this one. On a laser-straight highway. With perfectly aligned wheels and drive train. With 170km/h. You must wiggle the steering wheel.. or you'll be ding-donged to insanity. Safety first?

> ah yes. ding.. it complains about tire pressure being different. Nah, it won't tell which tire. Or how much (1% or 10% or 70%).

I've given up on tire pressure sensors. Our tire pressure alert light is probably on 50% of the time.

Check tires, half the time they all read fine. They all look fine. They're OK, then the temp drops 10 degrees F, now the light's on. Man, I just can't be bothered. Tell me which the fuck tire you're worried about (which you fucking know!) and I'll start paying attention again. The guessing game is no fun.

> it was a top-ever model. No further premiums.

I see, perhaps in that case you have to wait for a couple of years for a very reasonably priced upgrade (subscription model!) to unlock the extra features (that are there all the time, just restricted by software).

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