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Can you share more about where you took the class? Continuing education, or a vocational school? Did you take it purely as a hobbyist, or hope to get into the trade?

Initially I had actually looked at a local community college's TIG welding class which while comprehensive seemed to be more than I needed and was a larger time commitment than I could easily make (had been thinking about it for about 4 years but there were always other things I wanted to do). Only really interested as a hobby and for other DIY projects.

I found out about this local hobby shop that teaches classes and took a 6 hour TIG class https://www.wildcathobbyclasses.com/tig-welding-class It was just enough to get a taste/feel for what it was like (I had never welded anything before) and learn some basic safety stuff.

My plan going forward is to figure out a few easier projects (build a couple of railing and maybe some stairs) to get some more practice, and then try building a cargo bike from an existing bike: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDlnDEXlfm8

There are some online TIG classes that seem ok, but the upfront cost is kinda high because you need your own welder and stuff, and I had no idea how hard it would be. (Easier than I thought to get something working, and about as hard as I thought it would be to be "good")

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