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Should the link be http://rattlecad.com/ instead of the archive?

Looks pretty cool. With a recent release. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RattleCAD

Summary: it's a bicycle design tool, went from open source to proprietary in 2019.

I think there's an argument to link to both. Since the OSS version was posted I think it's good to note the author's updated version even if it's no longer OSS. Looks like they want 30€/yr, which is far from extortionate if it's a good tool.

> Since the OSS version was posted I think it's good to note the author's updated version even if it's no longer OSS.

To be clear, in the description on Internet Archive page all this info exists, including active link to "new official site" and a link to Wikipedia article, I've wrote, where all the story of rattleCAD development has been described in details.

At €30/year they're underpricing their tool.

the archive.org page says:

> Since release of rattleCAD 4.0 it turned into proprietary sotware, all the old source and binary files has been removed from its page on SourceForge, and a new official site has been launched.

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