People in the UK should take note of this thread: this is what the private health industry dearly, dearly wants for you too. Treasure what you have while you still have it.
UK has done the largest sequencing project on Earth, the UK BioBank, and shares the data with both academia and private companies to do drug discovery. NHS is also chronically underfunded.
But as no one (yet) needs private health insurance, and very few people have it, it is not (yet) a societal worry that the data will be used to "offer a choice" to people based on genetic misfortune (the choice is bankruptcy or death).
> NHS is also chronically underfunded.
That's very much by ideological design. A recent ex-health minister even co-wrote a book which contained this:
> Our ambition should be to break down the barriers between private & public provision, in effect denationalising the provision of health care in Britain.
Notably he became health minister after this, not before, so the appointment says a lot about what the Party has in mind.