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I never though so either, but then I worked at a place that had a stale product, product teams powerless and developers rejecting most features/writing random code all the time.

It took me a month to realise that the staff developers very much revelled in and protected their bad code and bizarre domain choices.

It was so far gone that there was no way to get rid of them and the product was just slowly dying and burning the remaining cash.

Then the mergers happened and they all got let go, only retaining the name for brand power and the entire stack was quietly moved over to another similar product which was rebranded.

Separately, there were absolutely very large consultancies that had a programming style/rules based on making their implementations difficult to read/modify, needing to call their COE back in to fix their code or add features - with it being very hard to modify. Talking entire codebase structured with ridiculous levels of abstraction and annoying code style. Bad integrations requiring their tooling to work and make sense of etc.

They target traditional orgs where the management just wants to get a project through and then bleed them over years.

>It took me a month to realize that the staff developers very much reveled in and protected their bad code and bizarre domain choices.

I think personality can account for this without any reference to incentives, which come in to explain how this personality problem can be so common among successful engineers.

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