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Recursive Drawing (recursivedrawing.com)
124 points by andrewla 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

Related. Others?

Recursive Drawing - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28005194 - July 2021 (1 comment)

Recursive Drawing - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19680149 - April 2019 (36 comments)

Recursive drawing - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16728049 - April 2018 (17 comments)

Recursive Drawing - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3951255 - May 2012 (83 comments)

I’m oh-so disappointed that the top comment in these previous discussions isn’t a link to their previous discussions…

I wonder how this relates to the old combinator-based approaches of Peter Henderson [1] and the logic-programming version [2]. Guy Cousineau also had a go with "Functional programming and geometry" in the late 1990s. I guess we'd say these are capable of describing corecursive pictures now.

I always felt this stuff would make a better foundation for web layouts than CSS.

[1] https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/800068.802148

[2] Logic programming, graphics and infinite terms P. R. Eggert, K. P. Chow Department of Computer Science University of California, Santa Barbara UCSB DoCS TR 83-02 June 1983.

My (much simpler, decades old) one


I'm sure many people have written similar things, in various technologies, over the years. Let's see them.

I'll admit the UX there took me a while to figure out, once you move one point in the mini-map everything makes sense. Incredibly fun to play with.

It has rough edges, and showing its age (at least a decade), but here's my contribution: https://evnp.github.io/3cursion/

This is very good, it keeps iterating adding more detail every run.

Toby's current startup: https://cuttle.xyz/ (I'm an investor)

Interesting. This work was done at ITP (which is short for interactive theorem proving, but not here). The ITP has been founded by Red Burns, who has written a foreword (really a foreword interview) for John Maeda's "Creative Code". And I am currently looking at Maeda's work, after recently discovering his book "Design By Numbers", which is just fabulous (and looks great on a coffee table, although I don't have one). And as it happens, I plan to implement a version of Design By Numbers in Abstraction Logic. And in order to make it easy for users to write down Abstraction Logic terms, I have invented a new simple text format called Recursive Text [0]! Which closes the circle to RecursiveDrawing.com.

[0] More info about Recursive Text (RX) will be available next month at http://recursivetext.com . Its semantics is really simple:

    RX = Block+
    Block = Line (Line | Block)*
    Line = Character*
RX is saved as a text file, encoding above semantics via indentation. It can be edited as a normal text file, but is intended to be edited in a special editor that respects and exploits above semantics.

Is it a right or left fold?

If left, then tail call optimization would really help performance.

It seems obvious now that hyperbolic space is recursive like this.

Much appreciated.

is there a way to emulate drag-and-drop on a (touch-based) Chrome Android?


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