I wonder how this relates to the old combinator-based approaches of Peter Henderson [1] and the logic-programming version [2]. Guy Cousineau also had a go with "Functional programming and geometry" in the late 1990s. I guess we'd say these are capable of describing corecursive pictures now.
I always felt this stuff would make a better foundation for web layouts than CSS.
[2] Logic programming, graphics and infinite terms
P. R. Eggert, K. P. Chow
Department of Computer Science University of California, Santa Barbara UCSB
DoCS TR 83-02
June 1983.
Interesting. This work was done at ITP (which is short for interactive theorem proving, but not here). The ITP has been founded by Red Burns, who has written a foreword (really a foreword interview) for John Maeda's "Creative Code". And I am currently looking at Maeda's work, after recently discovering his book "Design By Numbers", which is just fabulous (and looks great on a coffee table, although I don't have one). And as it happens, I plan to implement a version of Design By Numbers in Abstraction Logic. And in order to make it easy for users to write down Abstraction Logic terms, I have invented a new simple text format called Recursive Text [0]! Which closes the circle to RecursiveDrawing.com.
[0] More info about Recursive Text (RX) will be available next month at http://recursivetext.com . Its semantics is really simple:
RX = Block+
Block = Line (Line | Block)*
Line = Character*
RX is saved as a text file, encoding above semantics via indentation. It can be edited as a normal text file, but is intended to be edited in a special editor that respects and exploits above semantics.
Recursive Drawing - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28005194 - July 2021 (1 comment)
Recursive Drawing - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19680149 - April 2019 (36 comments)
Recursive drawing - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16728049 - April 2018 (17 comments)
Recursive Drawing - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3951255 - May 2012 (83 comments)