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You’re still not allowed to fly your sub-250g drone over private property in the UK.

I did my basic CAA drone training a while back and was left somewhat unclear where you can fly, but very clear where you can’t. Typically prohibitively British.

I would clarify that with your trainer, because it frankly isn't correct. The Land Owner doesn't own the Air above them.

Double check the Air Navigation Order, or for a more readable interpretation read: https://register-drones.caa.co.uk/drone-code/where-you-can-f... (specifically section 6)

The significance of being below 250g is that it is considered a "toy", and you can even fly within 50m of people (and even over them), but you must not fly over crowds of people. The issue is, in the context of UAV a crowd isn't well defined, the best we have from the CAA is, "A crowd is any group of people who cannot move away quickly because of the number of other people around them".

However, you must NEVER put people in danger (which is subjective), and any drone class is subject to. However, i'd say flying perpendicular to the venue and maintaining a minima of 50m horizontal distance from people, vehicles, vessels and structures (unless taking off or landing) is a reasonable safety distance for a sub-250g drone, unless you have their consent but context is everything.

Not familiar with the local laws, but I've noticed that in some jurisdictions "toy" means just that: toy.

If it has a camera it's a drone and gets drone treatment even under 250g.

This was research for a very specific area (Cinque Terre) of Italy that has 4 layers (!!) of drone laws on it, so I can't really point to a particular set...

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