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Pubs are owned privately, they are still public places where there is no expectation of privacy.

The Chihuahua is commonly regarded as the smallest dog breed in the world.

But I fear we've strayed from the question of whether the open areas in Temple Quay have a public right of way or are the private property of the manamgement agency that followed after Castlemore Securities Ltd/SWERDA developed the area.

It's extremely relevant, it doesn't matter who owns it or if it's a public right of way or not. Ultimately in the UK you can walk wherever you like whether the property is private or not. This is clearly a public area, right of way or not, where there is no expectation of privacy and therefore, legally, you can photograph anything you like, nobody can enforce otherwise.

What are we talking about here? There's a difference between what you can do and what you have a right to do. You can walk across any land you can gain physical access to. But in England and Wales you almost certainly don't have a right to walk across said land. In Scotland you do but you are mistaken if you think England and Wales are like Scotland in this regard (sadly).

yes they are private but that allows them to ban parts of the public and actions of the public e.g. banning people, throwing peopl out for misbehaviour - and that latter could inclde taking photos if the owner wanted.

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