Ha! Looks like I was wrong and confusing refinement types with dependent types: https://cs.stackexchange.com/a/21733 (unless of course this person is also confidently wrong, heh)
> Dependent types are types which depend on values in any way. A classic example is "the type of vectors of length n", where n is a value. Refinement types, as you say in the question, consist of all values of a given type which satisfy a given predicate. E.g. the type of positive numbers. These concepts aren't particularly related (that I know of). Of course, you can also reasonably have dependent refinement types, like "type of all numbers greater than n".
> Dependent types are types which depend on values in any way. A classic example is "the type of vectors of length n", where n is a value. Refinement types, as you say in the question, consist of all values of a given type which satisfy a given predicate. E.g. the type of positive numbers. These concepts aren't particularly related (that I know of). Of course, you can also reasonably have dependent refinement types, like "type of all numbers greater than n".