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Ask HN: Chat roulette for devs with side projects?
2 points by june07 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
Where you could live stream with someone with the explicit idea of having them spend X (2-5 min) time trying your thing, taking instruction, providing feedback, whatever for that allotted time. For every slot you receive, you also must give back time to someone else. Why? Because it's hard as hell getting any kind of organic eyeballs on a thing if you have zero following.

Does such a thing exist? Would others find this useful?

Would it be NDAed?

Could be an option I suppose.

Without it no one can discuss anything that that they may (for example) wish to apply for a patent on.

Good luck enforcing it behind seven proxies. Or even just behind a border or two.

If you want security/confidentiality, Chat Roulette is not the place for you. It's about the opposite. It's just the way it is.

Good points. The primary motivation is simply to get useful feedback from legit users. Similar to when you post something on Show HN but more focused. An NDA for essentially a few minutes of someone's time does seem like a bit much... so likely it wouldn't fit this type of need.

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