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TBH, C++ has changed so much that any opinion from 2007 isn't worth much today, and that applies no matter if you think C++ got better or worse since then ;)

Today is just tomorrow's yesterday.

I'll just avoid C++ for now, and wait for future articles to say that the C++ of 2023 was too complicated to use.

Furthermore the boost features used in the "better" example are now standard parts of the language and niether example looks good relative to "modern" C++17. (Though new problems have been introduced too, e.g. overuse of `auto`.)

It is still valid.. it would be invalid if C++ removed old features, but it doesn't.

Valid only in the sense of “we can improve on this old way of doing things.” Not valid in the sense that using boost for foreach and function objects would make absolutely no sense since C++11 which has those features built in, and with cleaner syntax.

Agree, and I suspect that a lot of things will also be deprecated by 2030 once modules get really integrated in the ecosystem.

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