My favorite part of Uplink was the module you could buy to talk to other hackers. Which of course turned out to be an actual IRC channel with actual people! I hung out in the channel for a year or two (via real IRC client, probably mIRC), and after the game’s popularity faded a bit it was a running joke when players would once in a while still join from the game and be pleasantly surprised to find “real people” in the game.
PS I remember now someone (Scaevolous? WolfLord? Rkiver? Zaptan?) had written an irc bot in python, and it was the first time I’d ever contributed to an open source project :)
PS I remember now someone (Scaevolous? WolfLord? Rkiver? Zaptan?) had written an irc bot in python, and it was the first time I’d ever contributed to an open source project :)